Hamra is the site of a particular pilot to test an award-winning visual identity concept intended for implementation across all Swedish National Parks. The goal is to encourage more people to experience the beauty of national parks while taking ownership of these national treasures.
Visual identity for a national park
Crown Jewels was a winning proposal that provided architectural and visual design solutions to encourage more visitors to engage with the forest and parkland of Swedish national parks. In Hamra National Park, a kit of design components comprising furniture, a picnic cottage, observation towers, signs, toilets, barbecues, bear-safe waste disposal, and viewing platforms was designed. Materials used include finely milled timber with dovetail joints, furnished with slightly narrower pins than usual, whitewood boards, concrete, and weathering steel grating.
Ambassadors for nature
One of the ways of building resilience into the Hamra National Park was by involving some of the youngest residents of Ljusdal. During the park’s inauguration, school children acted as forest guides, sharing their knowledge about wildlife and plants. The hope is that this early and active engagement with the national park and its visitors sparks a long-term connection, incubating a generation of life-long ambassadors for nature.
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
Henrik Lindvall, Thomas Ärlemo
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket)
White, Happy F&B och Forsman & Bodenfors Factory
2009 - 2011
Henrik Lindvall
Mattias Lind & Ulla Antonsson. Team White: Mattias Lind & Ulla Antonsson, Mattias Nordstrom, Agne Revellé, Magnus Bunner, Magnus Gustavsson, Moa Wendt, Bjorn Bondesson
Los, Gästrikland, Sweden
61°45'50.7"N 14°45'27.2"E
National park, Natura 2000 (for example UNESCO Global Geopark)
Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg, Rie Stagegaard
White arkitekter AB, Martin Ehn Hillberg, Mattias Nordström, Anders Tväråna, Kerstin Lagnefeldt. Kronjuvelen: Mattias Lind. Other designers involved in the landscape design (architects and landscape architects): RIBA Stage 4,5 Sweco architects. Visual identity for Hamra National Park, White and Happy F&B.
2013 Siena Prize. Swedish architecture prize for the best landscape project