Leadership and Ranger training

About the project

The aim of this subproject is to develop high-quality training for leadership and rangers for National Parks and other protected areas in the Nordic North with the goal to maximize sustainable use and visitors' satisfaction.

The Nordic countries use different methods and models for the training and education of rangers. While some nations rely on universities to educate their staff members, others have short courses to make sure their staff is qualified for the job.   

The working group will focus on already known approaches to build new ways to educate rangers in the high north. This could be done by analyzing training needs and by identifying both new and existing ways of accessing information about the multiple skills required for rangers in the high north. Through e-learning programs, rangers in the high north could gain more opportunities to participate in education at the national level as well as being involved with national coordination. 

The expected outcomes of this subproject are in the form of recommendations for the next steps, an e-learning program, and ranger training for the high north. Furthermore, if time allows, a curriculum for the learning program and syllabuses for the specific subjects. 


  • E-learning course for rangers about climate change

  • Climate change databace for rangers

  • Ranger exchange programs


Kristín Ósk Jónasdóttir (Iceland)

Line Hasselriis (Greenland)

Jens Munch-Petersen (Greenland)

Rigmor Solem (Norway)